Learn How to Bleed Radiators with a Combi Boiler Easily

Bleeding radiators is a simple process that can help improve the efficiency of your heating system. With a combi boiler, the process is slightly different, but still easy to do yourself. In a combi boiler system, air bubbles can become trapped in the radiators, which can affect the heating performance and efficiency. Bleeding the radiators allows you to release these air bubbles, ensuring that the hot water flows properly and heats your home effectively. By following a few simple steps, you can easily bleed the radiators with a combi boiler and improve the performance of your heating system.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regularly bleeding your radiators with a combi boiler can optimize your heating system’s performance.
  • Air bubbles can affect the efficiency of a combi boiler system, and bleeding the radiators helps release them.
  • Bleeding radiators with a combi boiler is a straightforward process that can be done by following simple steps.
  • Ensure to use the appropriate tools, such as a bleed key and a container to catch water.
  • If unsure or facing issues, consult a professional engineer for assistance.

What is a Combi Boiler and When to Choose It

A combi boiler, also known as a combination boiler, is a type of heating system that combines the functions of heating the water for both the central heating system and the hot water taps and shower. Unlike traditional central heating systems, a combi boiler does not require a separate hot water tank, which saves space in your home.

Combi boilers are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners, especially in smaller properties where space is limited. With a combi boiler, the water is heated instantaneously using a plate heat exchanger. This means that you have hot water on demand, without the need for a storage tank.

When it comes to choosing a combi boiler, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, you need to assess your hot water and heating requirements to determine the size of the boiler you need. It’s also important to ensure that the pressure in your combi boiler is at the optimal level for it to function efficiently. If the pressure is too low or too high, it can affect the heating performance and may require bleeding the radiators.

Benefits of Combi Boilers

  • Space-saving: As mentioned earlier, combi boilers do not require a separate hot water tank, saving space in your home.
  • Efficiency: Combi boilers heat water on demand, resulting in more efficient energy usage compared to systems with storage tanks.
  • Cost-effective: Since combi boilers do not require a separate hot water tank, installation costs are generally lower.
  • Convenience: With a combi boiler, you have hot water on demand, eliminating the need for waiting or scheduling.

Combi boilers are a popular choice for homeowners who value space-saving, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and convenience.

Advantages Disadvantages
Space-saving May struggle to supply hot water to multiple outlets simultaneously
Efficient energy usage Dependent on water pressure
Lower installation costs Not suitable for properties with high hot water demand
Convenient hot water on demand

In summary, a combi boiler is a space-saving and efficient heating system that provides hot water on demand. It is a great choice for smaller properties and offers several advantages, including lower installation costs and convenience. However, it is important to ensure that the pressure in your combi boiler is at the optimal level for it to function efficiently. If you are considering installing a combi boiler, it is recommended to consult a heating engineer to assess your specific requirements.

How to Bleed Radiators with a Combi Boiler – Step-by-Step Guide

Bleeding radiators with a combi boiler is a straightforward process that you can easily do yourself. By following a few simple steps, you can remove trapped air from your radiators and ensure that your heating system operates efficiently. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Prepare

Before you begin, make sure your combi boiler is turned on and all your radiators are fully heated. This will allow you to easily identify any cool spots or strange sounds that indicate trapped air. Gather the necessary tools, including a bleed key, a container to catch water, insulated gloves, and some cloth or old rags.

Step 2: Bleed the Radiators

Start by placing the container beneath the radiator you want to bleed. Locate the bleed valve, which is usually located at the top of the radiator on one side. Insert the bleed key into the valve and turn it anti-clockwise to open it. As you do this, you should hear a hissing sound as the trapped air escapes. Once the hissing stops and water starts to flow steadily, close the valve by turning the bleed key clockwise. Use the cloth or rags to wipe away any water droplets.

Step 3: Repeat the Process

Go through the same process for all the radiators in your home that need bleeding. Start with the radiators on the lower floors and work your way up. Be sure to check for any cool spots or sounds indicating trapped air after each radiator has been bled.

After bleeding the radiators, you may need to re-pressurize your combi boiler using the filling loop. Consult your boiler’s user manual for instructions on how to do this properly.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily remove trapped air from your radiators and improve the performance of your combi boiler. Regularly bleeding your radiators will ensure that your heating system operates efficiently and keeps your home warm and comfortable.

Step Actions
1 Turn on the combi boiler and heat all the radiators
2 Place a container beneath the radiator and locate the bleed valve
3 Insert the bleed key into the valve and turn it anti-clockwise to open
4 Listen for hissing sound as trapped air escapes and water flows steadily
5 Close the valve by turning the bleed key clockwise
6 Repeat the process for all radiators, checking for cool spots or sounds
7 Re-pressurize the combi boiler using the filling loop if necessary


Bleeding radiators with a combi boiler is a straightforward maintenance task that can significantly improve the performance of your heating system. By releasing trapped air from the radiators, you can ensure efficient hot water flow and effective heating throughout your home.

Regularly bleeding your radiators can prevent issues such as cold spots and strange noises, while also reducing energy consumption and lowering your energy bills. It is a simple yet impactful way to optimize the performance of your combi boiler and keep your home comfortably heated.

If you are unsure about how to bleed your radiators or encounter any difficulties during the process, it is advisable to consult a professional engineer. They have the expertise to guide you and ensure the task is completed safely and effectively. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions when performing any maintenance on your combi boiler for optimal results.

Tips for Bleeding Radiators:

  • Make sure all radiators are turned on and heated before bleeding.
  • Use a bleed key, container, insulated gloves, and cloth or old rags for the process.
  • Place the container beneath the radiator, locate the bleed valve, and turn it anti-clockwise to release trapped air.
  • Listen for the hissing noise as the air escapes, then close the valve and wipe away any water droplets.
  • Repeat the bleeding process for all radiators that require it.
  • Consider re-pressurizing your boiler using the filling loop after bleeding.

Remember, regular radiator bleeding can improve combi boiler radiator performance, prolong the lifespan of your system, and ensure a cozy and comfortable environment in your home.


Why do I need to bleed radiators with a combi boiler?

Bleeding radiators with a combi boiler helps release trapped air bubbles, ensuring proper water flow and improving heating performance.

What is a combi boiler?

A combi boiler is a space-saving heating system that combines heating water for central heating and hot water taps without the need for a separate tank.

How do I bleed radiators with a combi boiler?

To bleed a radiator, turn on the combi boiler, heat all the radiators, locate the bleed valve, insert a bleed key, turn it anti-clockwise to release air, and close the valve once the hissing stops. Repeat for all radiators.

Why is it important to bleed radiators regularly?

Regularly bleeding radiators prevents issues like cold spots and strange noises, improves energy efficiency, and reduces energy bills.

What should I do if I’m unsure about how to bleed radiators or encounter problems?

It is recommended to consult a professional engineer and follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions for any maintenance tasks on your combi boiler.

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