Do Double Radiators Cost More to Run? Unveil the Truth!

When it comes to heating our homes, efficiency and cost are key considerations. Many homeowners wonder whether double radiators, with their larger size and increased heat output, result in higher energy consumption and running costs. In this article, we will delve into the truth behind the efficiency and running costs of double radiators.

Key Takeaways:

  • Double radiators can provide a higher heat output and cover a larger area, resulting in efficient heating for larger spaces.
  • While double radiators may consume more energy than single radiators, their increased efficiency can offset the higher running costs.
  • Proper insulation, regular maintenance, and using thermostatic radiator valves can help optimize the performance of double radiators and reduce energy consumption.
  • Consider factors such as room size, insulation levels, and heating requirements to determine if double radiators are the right choice for your home.
  • Combining different heating strategies, such as using a mix of double and single radiators, can provide a balanced approach to heating your home efficiently.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Moving a Radiator

Moving a radiator involves various factors that influence the overall cost. These include the number and type of radiators to be moved, the size of the radiators, and the location within the UK. Additionally, different professionals charge varying rates for their services, and the type of radiator itself can impact the cost. Let’s explore these factors in more detail.

Labour Costs and Time Frames

The cost of moving a radiator typically includes labour fees for hiring a plumber or heating engineer. The rates for these professionals can vary based on location. In general, the hourly rates for plumbers range from £30-£70 outside of London, and £100-£135 within the city. Heating engineers may charge slightly higher rates, such as £40-£90 per hour outside London and £110-£160 per hour within London.

It’s important to consider the estimated time frame for the radiator move when calculating labour costs. The complexity of the project, as well as any additional modifications required, can affect the overall time required to complete the job.

Types of Radiators and Supply Only Costs

The type of radiator being moved also plays a role in determining the cost. Different types of radiators have varying levels of complexity in terms of installation and disconnection. Common types include convector, column, panel, cast iron, and electric radiators.

Furthermore, if you’re looking to purchase new radiators for the move, supply-only costs should be considered. These costs depend on the size and type of radiator you choose. Prices for supply-only radiators typically range from £60 to £450.

Type of Radiator Average Supply-Only Cost
Convector £60 – £150
Column £100 – £300
Panel £80 – £200
Cast Iron £200 – £450
Electric £80 – £200

It’s essential to consider these factors when planning to move a radiator, as they can significantly impact the overall cost of the project.

Tips to Optimize Home Heating Efficiency

To ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency in your home, it is important to implement various strategies to optimize your heating system. By following these tips, you can create a cozy environment while reducing your energy consumption and heating costs.

1. Set Optimal Temperature for Radiators

Choosing the right temperature for your radiators is crucial for efficient heating. Experts recommend setting the radiator temperature to around 55 degrees Celsius, as this provides optimal warmth and allows the system to operate efficiently. By maintaining a consistent temperature, you can enjoy a comfortable living space while avoiding unnecessary energy wastage.

2. Adjust Hot Water Temperature

When it comes to hot water, it is essential to strike a balance between comfort and energy consumption. For combination boilers, setting the hot water temperature to around 43 degrees Celsius is ideal. This helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria while ensuring sufficient heat for daily use. For systems with hot water cylinders, setting the temperature to around 60 degrees Celsius is recommended for efficient operation.

3. Insulate Pipes to Prevent Heat Loss

Insulating your heating pipes can significantly reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency. By minimizing heat dispersion, insulated pipes ensure that the warmth generated by your heating system reaches its intended destinations. This can contribute to lower energy consumption and reduced heating costs over time.

4. Adjust Heating Timings Based on Needs

Reviewing and adjusting your heating timings can help optimize energy usage and reduce unnecessary heating expenses. Consider your household’s habits and schedule, and program your heating system accordingly. For example, you can lower the temperature during periods when the house is unoccupied or when everyone is asleep. This simple adjustment can make a noticeable difference in your energy bills.

5. Install Thermostatic Radiator Valves

Installing thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) offers precise control over room temperatures and can lead to significant energy savings. TRVs allow you to adjust the heat output of individual radiators, ensuring that rooms are heated only when necessary. This level of control helps prevent overheating in unused spaces and enables personalized comfort throughout your home.

Tip Description
1 Set optimal temperature for radiators to around 55°C
2 Adjust hot water temperature to 43°C for combination boilers and 60°C for hot water cylinders
3 Insulate pipes to prevent heat loss and improve energy efficiency
4 Review and adjust heating timings based on household needs and habits
5 Install thermostatic radiator valves for precise control over room temperatures


When considering the cost and efficiency of radiators, it is important to choose cost-effective heating options such as gas central heating systems or renewable energy heat pumps. These options can help reduce energy bills and provide efficient heating for your home. By opting for energy-efficient radiators, you can not only save on your heating costs but also contribute to reducing your environmental footprint.

To further optimize home heating and reduce energy bills, it is recommended to implement a few key strategies. Firstly, adjusting your radiator and hot water temperatures can make a significant difference. Setting radiator temperatures to around 55 degrees Celsius ensures optimal warmth and efficiency, while hot water temperatures can be set to 43 degrees Celsius for combination boilers and 60 degrees Celsius for systems with hot water cylinders.

Another effective way to optimize home heating is by insulating pipes. This helps prevent heat loss and reduces energy consumption. Additionally, installing thermostatic radiator valves provides better control over room temperatures, allowing you to heat specific areas only when needed, and potentially leading to further energy savings. Don’t underestimate the impact of these small adjustments on reducing your energy bills and optimizing your home heating system.

Overall, by considering cost-effective heating options, investing in energy-efficient radiators, and implementing simple measures to optimize home heating, you can enjoy a warm and comfortable home while reducing your energy bills. Take proactive steps to make the most of your heating system and play your part in creating a more sustainable future.


Do double radiators cost more to run?

Double radiators do not inherently cost more to run than single radiators. The cost of running a radiator depends on factors such as the energy source, insulation, and thermostat settings. However, double radiators can provide more heat output and distribute warmth more evenly, potentially reducing the overall energy consumption of a heating system.

What factors affect the cost of moving a radiator?

The cost of moving a radiator can vary based on factors such as the number and type of radiators to be moved, the size of the radiators, and the location within the UK. Additionally, labour costs for plumbers or heating engineers, as well as the type of radiator being moved, can impact the overall cost. Supply-only radiators also have varying prices based on size and type.

How can I optimize home heating efficiency?

To optimize home heating efficiency, it is recommended to set radiator temperatures to around 55 degrees Celsius for optimal warmth and efficiency. Hot water temperature should be set to around 43 degrees Celsius for combination boilers and 60 degrees Celsius for systems with hot water cylinders to prevent bacterial growth. Insulating pipes, adjusting heating timings based on household needs, and installing thermostatic radiator valves can also contribute to energy savings.

What are some cost-effective heating options?

Gas central heating systems are often the most cost-effective solution compared to electric heaters, as gas is generally cheaper than electricity. Renewable energy heat pumps, such as ground, air, or water source heat pumps, can also be cost-effective options, although they have a higher initial installation cost. By choosing these options and implementing efficient heating practices, households can reduce energy bills and optimize their home heating efficiency.

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