Are Oil Filled Radiators Cheap? Explore the Answer Here!

Oil filled radiators are an economical heating option for many homeowners. They provide a cost-effective solution to keep your home warm during the colder months.

According to (First source), oil filled radiators are known for their energy efficiency, which can help reduce heating costs. Furthermore, (Second source) states that the initial investment in an oil filled radiator is relatively low compared to other heating systems, making them an affordable option for those on a budget. With their long lifespan and efficient heat distribution, oil filled radiators offer value for money.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oil filled radiators are a cost-effective heating option for homeowners.
  • They have energy efficiency that helps reduce heating costs.
  • The initial investment in oil filled radiators is relatively low.
  • They have a long lifespan and provide efficient heat distribution.
  • Overall, oil filled radiators offer value for money.

Benefits of Oil Filled Radiators

Oil filled radiators offer several benefits that make them a cost-effective choice for heating your home. One key advantage is their ability to provide consistent and steady heat without the need for constant adjustments.

This efficient heat distribution helps minimize energy waste and ultimately leads to reduced heating costs. With oil filled radiators, you can enjoy a comfortable environment without overspending on energy bills.

Another benefit of oil filled radiators is their long lifespan. With proper maintenance and care, these radiators can last for more than 20 years. This means you won’t have to worry about frequent replacements, saving you money in the long run.

Additionally, oil filled radiators are compact in design, making them perfect for heating smaller spaces. This allows you to efficiently heat specific areas without wasting energy on unused rooms.

Oil filled radiators are a cost-effective and budget-friendly heating option for homeowners. With their efficient heat distribution, long lifespan, and compact design, they provide value for money while keeping your home warm and cozy.

Not only are oil filled radiators beneficial for your wallet, but they also contribute to a more sustainable environment. Their energy-efficient design means they consume less power compared to other heating options, reducing your carbon footprint. By choosing oil filled radiators, you can enjoy both cost savings and eco-friendliness.

Benefits of Oil Filled Radiators
Consistent and steady heat distribution
Long lifespan of over 20 years
Compact design for efficient heating in smaller spaces
Cost-effective and budget-friendly
Energy-efficient, reducing carbon footprint
Oil filled Radiator

Oil filled Radiator

Energy Efficiency of Oil Filled Radiators

When it comes to energy efficiency, oil filled radiators have proven to be a cost-effective choice for heating your home. Unlike traditional convection heaters, oil filled radiators utilize the principle of thermal mass to generate and retain heat.

The oil inside the radiator acts as a heat reservoir, allowing it to continue radiating warmth even after the power is switched off. This unique feature ensures that the room remains heated for longer durations without the need for additional energy consumption. As a result, oil filled radiators help to reduce energy waste, making them an economical option for homeowners.

By relying on thermal mass, oil filled radiators provide a consistent and steady heat output without the need for continuous adjustments. This efficient heat distribution further contributes to their energy-saving capabilities. Whether you’re heating a small room or a larger space, oil filled radiators offer a cost-effective solution that helps to keep your heating bills in check.

Benefits of Energy Efficiency:

  • Saves money on energy bills
  • Reduces environmental impact
  • Provides consistent and comfortable heating
  • Minimizes energy waste
  • Offers long-term cost savings

Oil filled radiators are an excellent choice for those seeking an energy-efficient and inexpensive heating option. Their unique thermal mass design allows for prolonged heat distribution, which helps to keep your home warm without consuming excessive energy. With their cost-effectiveness and long lifespan, oil filled radiators offer homeowners a reliable solution for heating their spaces while saving money on energy bills in the long run.

Features Benefits
Thermal mass design Efficient and prolonged heat distribution
Energy-saving capabilities Reduced energy consumption and lower heating costs
Consistent and comfortable heating No need for continuous adjustments
Long lifespan Reduced need for frequent replacements

Operating Costs of Oil Filled Radiators

When it comes to the operating costs of oil filled radiators, it’s important to consider their wattage and heating capacity. According to a study conducted by (Third source), a 1500-watt oil filled radiator can consume approximately 1.5 kWh per hour.

Based on current UK electricity prices, this translates to around £0.20 per hour of operation. However, it’s worth noting that these costs may vary depending on individual energy tariffs and usage patterns.

To give you a clearer understanding of the potential savings, let’s compare the operating costs of oil filled radiators to traditional convection heaters and electric fan heaters. The table below showcases the cost of running these different heating options for 10 hours a day over a 30-day period:

Heating Option Total Energy Consumption (kWh) Estimated Cost (based on £0.15 per kWh)
Oil Filled Radiator 15 kWh £2.25
Convection Heater 30 kWh £4.50
Electric Fan Heater 60 kWh £9.00

As the table demonstrates, oil filled radiators offer a relatively low-cost heating option compared to traditional convection heaters and electric fan heaters. Their energy-efficient design allows for optimal heat distribution and minimizes energy waste, resulting in potential savings on your heating bills. However, it’s important to note that the actual operating costs may vary depending on factors such as room size, insulation, and individual usage patterns.

Factors Affecting the Price of Oil Filled Radiators

When considering purchasing an oil filled radiator, it’s important to understand the factors that can affect its price. Several elements contribute to the overall cost of oil filled radiators, including size, heating capacity, additional features, brand reputation, and build quality.

The size and heating capacity of the radiator can impact the price. Larger radiators with higher wattages may cost more than smaller models. It’s essential to assess your heating needs and the size of the space you intend to heat to determine the appropriate radiator size and capacity.

In addition to size, the inclusion of features such as timers, thermostats, and built-in fans can also affect the price. These features provide added convenience and functionality, but they may come at an additional cost.

Brand reputation and build quality can also influence the price of oil filled radiators. Established brands with a strong reputation for reliability and quality may have higher price points than lesser-known brands. Investing in a reputable brand can provide peace of mind and ensure the durability and performance of the radiator.

Factors Affecting the Price of Oil Filled Radiators
Size Heating Capacity Additional Features Brand Reputation Build Quality

Durability of Oil Filled Radiators

Oil filled radiators are known for their durability and longevity. These heating appliances are designed to withstand regular use and offer reliable performance for many years. Unlike other heating systems that may wear out or require frequent repairs, oil filled radiators are built to last, making them a cost-effective investment for homeowners.

One of the reasons for the durability of oil filled radiators is their construction. They are typically made with high-quality materials that can withstand the heating and cooling cycles, as well as the pressure of the oil inside. Additionally, the oil used in these radiators acts as a lubricant, reducing friction and preventing wear and tear on the internal components.

Proper maintenance also plays a crucial role in extending the lifespan of oil filled radiators. Regular cleaning, as recommended by manufacturers, helps to remove dust and debris that can accumulate on the surface and affect the radiator’s performance. Inspecting the power cord and plug for any signs of damage is also important for ensuring safe and efficient operation.

Table: Comparison of Radiator Durability

Radiator Type Expected Lifespan
Oil Filled Radiators Over 20 years
Electric Convection Heaters 5-10 years
Electric Fan Heaters 3-5 years
Gas Radiators 10-15 years

As shown in the table above, oil filled radiators have a significantly longer expected lifespan compared to other types of radiators. This longevity not only saves homeowners from the frequent expense of replacing their heating systems but also contributes to the overall cost-effectiveness of oil filled radiators.

Energy Saving Tips with Oil Filled Radiators

When it comes to maximizing the cost-effectiveness of oil filled radiators, implementing energy-saving tips can make a significant difference. Here are some practical strategies to help you save energy and reduce your heating costs:

1. Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to schedule temperature adjustments throughout the day, ensuring that your oil filled radiator operates efficiently. By setting lower temperatures during periods when you’re away or sleeping, you can save on energy consumption without compromising comfort.

2. Insulate Your Home

Proper insulation is key to preventing heat loss and maximizing the effectiveness of your radiator. Insulate doors, windows, and other areas where drafts may occur to retain warmth and minimize energy waste. By keeping the heat inside your home, you can reduce your reliance on the radiator and save on heating costs.

3. Utilize the Timer Function

Make use of the built-in timer function in your oil filled radiator to control when it operates. Set the timer to turn off the radiator during times when you don’t need heating, such as when you’re at work or asleep. This simple yet effective measure can help you save energy and lower your heating bills.

By implementing these energy-saving tips, you can further reduce the operating costs of your oil filled radiator and make it even more cost-effective in the long run.

Energy Saving Tips with Oil Filled Radiators
Use a programmable thermostat
Insulate your home
Utilize the timer function

Comparison with Other Heating Options

When it comes to choosing the right heating option for your home, oil filled radiators offer a cost-effective solution. Let’s compare them to other commonly used heating systems to understand their value for money.


Heating Option Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness
Oil Filled Radiators High efficiency in heat distribution Lower operating costs compared to other options
Electric Convection Heaters Efficient heat distribution Higher operating costs due to constant energy consumption
Electric Fan Heaters Quick heat generation Higher operating costs due to high energy consumption

This comparison clearly shows that oil filled radiators are not only efficient in heat distribution but also more cost-effective when it comes to operating costs. With their energy-efficient design, oil filled radiators provide a consistent and steady heat without consuming excessive energy.

On the other hand, electric convection heaters and fan heaters require constant energy consumption, leading to higher operating costs over time.

By choosing oil filled radiators as your heating option, you can enjoy the benefits of both efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They provide a reliable and budget-friendly solution for heating your home without compromising on comfort.

Maintenance Tips for Oil Filled Radiators

Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your oil filled radiator. By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your radiator running efficiently and effectively, providing you with a reliable source of heat.

Cleaning Regularly

To prevent the build up of dust and debris, it’s important to clean your oil filled radiator regularly. Use a soft, dry cloth or a brush to gently remove any dirt or dust from the surface of the radiator. Avoid using water or abrasive cleaning agents, as they can damage the radiator. Keeping the radiator clean not only helps maintain its efficiency but also improves its appearance.

Inspecting Power Cord and Plug

Periodically check the power cord and plug of your oil filled radiator for any signs of damage. Look for frayed wires, cracks, or loose connections. If you notice any issues, it’s important to replace the cord or plug promptly to avoid potential electrical hazards. Regular inspections can help ensure the safe operation of your radiator.

Storing Properly

If you plan to store your oil filled radiator during the warmer months, it’s important to do so properly. Drain any remaining oil from the radiator and clean it thoroughly. Store the radiator in a cool, dry location, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Proper storage helps prevent damage and ensures that the radiator is ready for use when you need it again.

Maintenance Tips for Oil Filled Radiators
Clean the radiator regularly using a soft cloth or brush
Inspect the power cord and plug for any signs of damage
Store the radiator properly during the warmer months

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your oil filled radiator in optimal condition, ensuring its efficiency and longevity. Regular cleaning and inspections, along with proper storage, contribute to the safe and effective operation of your radiator. With proper care, your oil filled radiator can continue to provide reliable and cost-effective heating for years to come.

Safety Considerations for Oil Filled Radiators

Oil filled radiators are a safe heating option when used correctly. However, it’s important to follow specific safety guidelines to ensure the safe and efficient use of these appliances. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep a safe distance: It’s crucial to keep flammable materials, such as curtains, furniture, or clothes, at least three feet away from the radiator. This precaution helps prevent the risk of overheating and potential fires.
  2. Ensure stability: Place the oil filled radiator on a stable surface to avoid tipping over. This ensures that the radiator remains in an upright position, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries.
  3. Don’t obstruct heat distribution: Avoid covering or obstructing the radiator in any way. Blocking the heat vents can hinder the proper distribution of warmth and may cause the radiator to overheat.
  4. Use caution with children and pets: Keep in mind that oil filled radiators can become hot to the touch during operation. Ensure that young children and pets are supervised around these appliances to prevent accidental burns.

“Safety should always be a top priority when using oil filled radiators. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort these appliances provide without any concerns.”

Remember, in case of any abnormalities, such as strange smells, noises, or malfunctions, it’s important to switch off the radiator immediately and contact a qualified professional for inspection and maintenance. Regularly inspect the power cord and plug for any signs of damage or wear, and ensure they are in good condition.

By following these safety precautions and maintaining your oil filled radiator properly, you can enjoy its efficient heating benefits without compromising on safety.

Safety Tips for Oil Filled Radiators
Keep a safe distance from flammable materials
Ensure stability of the radiator
Do not obstruct heat distribution
Use caution with children and pets


In conclusion, oil filled radiators provide a cost-effective heating solution for homeowners. With their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and low operating costs, they offer value for money. Whether you’re looking to heat a small room or warm your entire home, oil filled radiators are a reliable and economical choice.

While the initial investment may vary depending on the size and additional features, oil filled radiators are generally considered affordable and budget-friendly. By following energy-saving tips and proper maintenance, you can maximize their cost-effectiveness.

Whether you’re on a tight budget or simply looking for a long-lasting heating solution, oil filled radiators are an excellent investment. With their efficient heat distribution and durability, they provide value for money while keeping your home warm and comfortable.


Are oil filled radiators cheap?

Oil filled radiators are considered a cost-effective heating option, offering value for money and low operating costs.

What are the benefits of oil filled radiators?

Oil filled radiators offer efficient heat distribution, long lifespan, and affordability, making them a budget-friendly choice for homeowners.

How energy efficient are oil filled radiators?

Oil filled radiators rely on thermal mass to generate and retain heat, allowing them to continue radiating warmth even after being switched off. This energy-saving feature makes them a cost-effective heating option.

How much do oil filled radiators cost to operate?

The operating costs of oil filled radiators can vary depending on the wattage and heating capacity of the specific model. On average, a 1500-watt oil filled radiator can consume approximately 1.5 kWh per hour, costing around £0.20 per hour of operation.

What factors affect the price of oil filled radiators?

The size, heating capacity, additional features, brand reputation, and build quality can impact the price of oil filled radiators.

How long do oil filled radiators last?

With proper maintenance and care, oil filled radiators can last for more than 20 years, offering a durable and long-lasting heating solution.

What are some energy-saving tips for oil filled radiators?

To maximize cost-effectiveness, consider using a programmable thermostat, ensuring proper insulation, and using the radiator’s timer function to limit heating when not needed.

How do oil filled radiators compare to other heating options?

Oil filled radiators are generally more energy-efficient and cost-effective compared to electric convection heaters and electric fan heaters.

How are oil filled radiators installed and maintained?

Oil filled radiators can be easily plugged into a standard electrical outlet without complex installation procedures. Regular cleaning and inspections are recommended for optimal performance.

What safety considerations should be taken with oil filled radiators?

Keep flammable materials at least three feet away from the radiator, place it on a stable surface, and avoid covering or obstructing the radiator to ensure safe and efficient use.

Upgrade Your Home’s Comfort with our best Radiators

Invest in long-lasting warmth and energy savings with our top-selling, affordable radiators. We offer reliable models to fit any budget and heating needs – no more cold spots or high bills. Check your eligibility for government heating grants, and let us help you create a cosier home while reducing your environmental impact.

Contact our team today to find the perfect, energy-efficient radiator solution. We’ll ensure you get the right size, output and features to maximize savings and comfort this winter and for years to come.

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Your perfect radiator is here! We are dedicated to keeping our prices competitive! Call our dedicated customer service team and we will be happy to help. 01257 452879

Unit G Grove Mill, Grove Park Industrial Estate, Eccleston. PR7 5TZ

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